Kerala Catholic Association of the UK
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KCA Officials meet Bishop Joseph Kalathiparambil from Vatican

On Thursday, 27th  September 2012; Officials of Kerala Catholic Association of the UK (KCA) met Bishop Joseph Kalathiparambil (Secretary of The Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerants) at Allen Hall, Seminary of the Diocese of Westminster, London.  Fr Johnson Alexander, the Roman Catholic Chaplain (Latin Rite) for the Kerala Community in the UK was also present for the meeting.


The meeting commenced with Bishop Joseph speaking of his role as the Secretary of The Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerants and details of his visit to the UK. The Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People brings the pastoral concern of the Church to bear on the special needs of those who have been forced to leave their native land or who do not have one.  There was a discussion on the issues surrounding migrant workers around the world.

Bishop 203KCA President, Mr Bastian Bennett gave a brief introduction of the organisation. Bishop Joseph was very pleased with the Association's work over the last 28 years. He advised the officials to continue the good work in bringing the community together. He also stressed on the importance of helping the poor around the world.

KCA officials formally invited Bishop Joseph to celebrate Malayalam Mass for the Kerala Catholic community in the UK, for which he kindly accepted the invitation and the details to be confirmed in due course.

The KCA presented the Bishop with a gift as a token of love and appreciation. The meeting came to an end with the Bishop’s blessing.  The Bishop requested our prayers for his good health to continue His mission.

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